Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How To Buy Safety Boots

My job this co-op term will require some site work on my part, and because I work in heavy industry, I needed to get special safety boots. The only thing that's special about them is that there's an extra bit of metal in them that most safety boots don't have, but considering I'm rather attached to my feet, well, I'm kind of glad it's there.

Considering where I am, you'd think that finding these safety boots in a reasonable range of sizes, if not styles, would be pretty easy. And it is.

Except I'm female. Therefore the procedure is as follows:

1. Go to local safety store. Get all other required safety equipment, ask about boots.
2. Discover that there is precisely one pair of boots in your size.
3. These are, of course, men's boots, and very very wide.
4. Try them on anyways.
5. Put boots on hold until you can phone large national chain to see what they have.
6. Go home, phone chain, discover all they carry are men's sizes.
7. Since you have nothing better to do, go to chain store anyways, just in case they have something in your size.
8. Discover that they don't. Unless your feet have suddenly become boats.
9. Go to bookstore. Buy knitting reference book and chocolate. Contemplate rum.
10. Try and take bus back to local safety store. Get off bus several stops too early, in what is clearly a sketchy part of town.
11. Walk along highway to store, only to find out you got there 15 minutes after closing.
12. Go back the next day at lunch. Buy original pair of boots.

Sigh. Such is life.

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