Thursday, May 22, 2008


I'm a redhead.
I burn like nobody's business.
I also have a terrible short term memory when it comes to stuff like putting on sunscreen. Or, more often, remembering where I left the sunscreen.
I've also discovered that I tend to burn my face and ears the most.

Needless to say, I've spent a lot of time dreaming about the perfect hat.

Ball caps are useless. Bucket hats leave my chin exposed to BURN. Tilley hats? Never considered one, I had a beige uniform hat for awhile. It's no longer beige, more of a variegated grey. Yuck. Apart from that, awesome awesome hat.


I have found the perfect hat in the latest MEC catalogue.

Wide-brimmed, in solid dark colours, it's gorgeous. I think I'm in love. Now, before you call the funny farm and have them pick me up, bear in mind that I once burnt the part in my hair. I have probably burnt more surface area on my body than any (20+x) year old should.

It's 32 dollars. Bit steep. But to have a hat!

I know what I'm getting myself for my birthday.

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