Monday, January 5, 2009


*Dusts off blog*

Well. It's been what, five months? Sorry, but the blog material around here isn't going to get better anytime soon. I started my new job today, and if you've talked to me recently, you'll know it's one of those jobs where describing what you actually do on the internet is probably a bad idea.

Maybe I'll start doing more knitting posts, if I ever get my vest done. Christine, you definitely won that one in spectacular fashion. On that note I am bound and determined to reduce my small stash this term.

In other words, today I found what is quite possibly the holy grail of tea mugs at Chapters (I also found the Chapters. By getting lost.). It is stainless steel and acrylic with a basket to put loose leaf tea in. It also has a lid that goes on top of the usual lid that you use to keep from spilling tea all over yourself. I think I'm in love. Or I would be if the mug wasn't 18.99$. Perhaps after my first paycheck? It would be really nice to have though, as I am limiting myself to one coffee per day but all the tea I can drink.

Well, I should probably shower at some point, and get stuff sorted out for tomorrow - though I think I'll get up at 0630 instead of 0600.