Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back on the Bay for another four months. Well, more like three, really.

Down to the County Friday night for karate, new dojo, new people, but as always it's like I've been there for years. On the way back I played Iron Maiden and looked at the stars.

This weekend, I finished one scarf, and now I need something small to work on. The shawl I started in May is too fiddly now, and the rows are too long to work on easily, and the sweater needs math done, and I want to print out the pattern before I get into that. So a cowl it is, quick and easy and a nice holiday or birthday present for someone. It helps that I don't have to buy anything and it gets rid of some of the yarn stash, which desperately needs pruning.

Once this cast on is done it's off to the store for groceries. Nom nom nom!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009



I graduate in less than a year. It's less than 250 days until I get my Ring. A mere three weeks until I turn 22.

I'm only mildly panicked about this, really. I'm very much looking forward to having some disposable income, and being able to buy books and yarn without feeling guilty about spending money that I really do need to pay for school or worrying that I will have to move said items in less than four months.

I feel old, and yet I feel very very young.

In other news, I bought a plant today, and named it Kevin.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tim Horton's

To the young lady who refused to serve me a non-double cupped chai on the basis that it was dangerous:

1. I work on a construction site. Today I spent my afternoon hiking through what was effectively a swamp while trying not to get run over by a front end loader. A single-cupped chai is probably the safest thing I've done all day.

2. It's called natural selection.

No love,


Monday, January 5, 2009


*Dusts off blog*

Well. It's been what, five months? Sorry, but the blog material around here isn't going to get better anytime soon. I started my new job today, and if you've talked to me recently, you'll know it's one of those jobs where describing what you actually do on the internet is probably a bad idea.

Maybe I'll start doing more knitting posts, if I ever get my vest done. Christine, you definitely won that one in spectacular fashion. On that note I am bound and determined to reduce my small stash this term.

In other words, today I found what is quite possibly the holy grail of tea mugs at Chapters (I also found the Chapters. By getting lost.). It is stainless steel and acrylic with a basket to put loose leaf tea in. It also has a lid that goes on top of the usual lid that you use to keep from spilling tea all over yourself. I think I'm in love. Or I would be if the mug wasn't 18.99$. Perhaps after my first paycheck? It would be really nice to have though, as I am limiting myself to one coffee per day but all the tea I can drink.

Well, I should probably shower at some point, and get stuff sorted out for tomorrow - though I think I'll get up at 0630 instead of 0600.